Country meeting
(Florence, December 2023)
Adult Immunization in Italy: successes, lessons learned and the way forward
Meeting Objectives
- Provide an overview of the epidemiology and disease burden of VPI among adults in Italy. Explain the functioning of infectious disease surveillance and control programs in Italy
- Provide an overview of the healthcare system in Italy and review how (adult) immunization programs are structured within the Italian health care system. Explain the evaluation and market authorization process of (adult) vaccines in Italy
- Present the Italian Lifetime Immunization Schedule and provide an overview of the new National Immunization Plan (PNPV 2023-25), discuss the decision-making process and criteria according to which vaccines are evaluated and included
- Discuss the purchase, distribution and financing of adult vaccines
- Explore the organization and delivery of adult vaccination services in different regions of Italy
- Discuss the recording and reporting of vaccination data in Italy, including coverage rate monitoring and the national registry, as well as vaccine impact monitoring and vigilance practices
- Analyze the population’s vaccination demand and acceptance, addressing issues such as vaccine confidence and compulsory vaccination policies for specific adult population groups
- Present the strategies and programs implemented in Italy to vaccinate specific adult population groups, highlighting the challenges and opportunities
- Explore future prospects and potential solutions to overcome barriers and enhance adult immunization efforts in Italy and other European countries
Intended impact and Target Audience
AIB country meetings are organized to discuss country specific aspects of adult immunization together with local experts. For these meetings, the AIB invites local academics, health care professionals, public health representatives and policy makers to present on adult immunization strategies implemented in the country, as well as educational and communicative initiatives aimed at increasing adult vaccine acceptance and coverage rates.
The aim of these meetings is to establish a collaborative network of national experts of different fields, creating a platform for the exchange of knowledge and best practices in adult immunization.
Background document
Background document
The background document contains background information on the topic of the meeting, a selection of scientific references and abstracts related to the different presentations.
Wednesday, 6 December 2023
SESSION 1: Opening, Introduction and Objectives
Chairs: Pierre Van Damme and Paolo Bonanni
- Introduction of the Adult Immunization Board (AIB) Introduction of Adult Immunization Board (AIB) / Pierre Van Damme (University of Antwerp) and Paolo Bonanni (University of Florence)
- Overview of the objectives of the meeting + Why is Italy interesting in context of Adult Immunization/ from the AIB perspective / Paolo Bonanni (University of Florence)
SESSION 2: Current situation: Epidemiology, Burden of Disease and Surveillance of adult VPI in Italy
Chairs: Pierre Van Damme and Paolo Bonanni
- Adult VPI in Italy: surveillance, epidemiology and burden of disease (focus on COVID-19, Influenza, Pneumococcus, RSV, Tdap, Zoster) / Patrizio Pezzotti
SESSION 3: Healthcare System and the Adult Immunization Plan in Italy
Chairs: Robert Steffen and Aparna Keegan
- The evaluation of the Italian National Health Service (focus on prevention/immunization) / Walter Ricciardi
- Vaccination strategies, systems and laws within the NHS / Francesco Paolo Maraglino
- Evaluation and authorization of adult vaccines in Europe/ Marco Cavaleri – Remote
- Lifetime Immunization Schedule / Paolo Bonanni
SESSION 4: The implementation, organization, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of adult vaccination
4.1 Procurement, distribution, financing, organization and delivery of adult vaccination services in
different regions of Italy, highlighting the challenges and opportunities
Chairs: Javier Díez-Domingo and Heini Salo
- Pricing vaccines and drugs in Europe: is it worth differentiating? / Livio Garattini
- Region 1: example N-Italy: Lombardy / Vezzosi Luigi
- Region 2: example C-Italy: Tuscany / Emanuela Balocchini – Barbara Porchia
- Region 3: example S-Italy: Puglia / Pierluigi Lopalco
4.2 Discuss the recording and reporting of vaccination data in Italy, including coverage rate monitoring and the
national registry, vaccine impact monitoring and vigilance practices
Chairs: Birgit Weinberger and Roman Chlíbek
- Using artificial intelligence to improve vaccination strategies: future challenges and opportunities / Alberto Tozzi
- Pharmacovigilance and safety monitoring / Alfredo Vannacci – Niccolò Lombardi
- Day closing lecture: New platforms and technologies to develop adult vaccines/ Rino Rappuoli
Thursday, 7 December 2023
4.3 Analyze the population’s vaccination demand and acceptance, addressing issues such as vaccine confidence
and mandatory vaccination policies
Chairs: Thomas Weinke and Odile Launay
- Vaccine Confidence Project: Vaccine confidence project: results from EU (focus on Italy) / Rachel Eagan
- The law on compulsory vaccination in Italy: an update 2 years after introduction / Fortunato d’Ancona
SESSION 5: Adult vaccination in Italy in specific population groups
Chairs: Per Ljungman and Ligita Jancoriene
- Older adults/ Stefania Maggi
- HCW / Claudio Costantino
- Pregnant women / Angela Bechini
- Immunocompromised / Laura Sticchi
- Migrants, including asylum seekers and refugees / Silvia Declich
- Young adults (focus on HPV) / Alessandro Ghelardi
- Travelers/ Andrea Rossanese
SESSION 6: Summary of the meeting
- Breakout Groups
- Plenary feedback
SESSION 7: Meeting summary, final discussion and closing remarks
- AIB Meeting summary by AIB rapporteur / Chloé Wyndham-Thomas (P95)
- Final discussion and closing remarks / Paolo Bonanni (University of Florence)
- Closing of the meeting